Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chutney Play

Let's play chutneys.

The generic chutney formula is: acid + fresh, leafy things + vegetable or fruit +/- flavors +/- hot +/- oil

Here is a progression of chutneys going from almond-cilantro to mint cucumber:

Almond-Cilantro Chutney
Acid: Lemon or Lime and Orange Juices
Fresh, Leafy Things: Cilantro
Vegetable or Fruit: Red Bell Pepper
Hot: Jalapenos
Oil: Almonds
Bell Pepper Chutney (change fresh leafy things and hot from preceding)
Acid: Lemon Juice
Fresh, Leafy Things: Mint Leaves
Vegetable or Fruit: Red Bell Pepper
Hot: Cayenne Pepper
Oil: Almonds
Apple Chutney (change vegetable or fruit and hot from preceding, no oil)
Acid: Lemon Juice
Fresh, Leafy Things: Mint Leaves
Vegetable or Fruit: Granny Smith Apples, Onion
Hot: Jalapeno Peppers
Onion Chutney (change fresh, leafy things, flavors and hot, add oil from preceding)
Acid: Lemon Juice
Fresh, Leafy Things: Cilantro Leaves
Vegetable or Fruit: Onion
Flavors: Ginger, Garlic
Hot: Chili Powder
Oil: Yogurt
Minty Cucumber Chutney (change fresh, leafy things, vegetable or fruit, flavors and hot from preceding)
Acid: Lemon Juices
Fresh, Leafy Things: Mint Leaves
Vegetable or Fruit: Cucumber, Onion
Flavors: Cumin
Hot: Crushed Red Pepper
Oil: Yogurt
Salt and pepper to taste any or all of the above. You can use fat-free yogurt in place of fat-containing yogurt. The perceived texture will be "thinner," not as "rich" and with less of a fatty "mouth feel."

Feel welcome to post your progressions for chutneys, relishes, salsas...whatever.

See you soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Taste of Things To Come

In preparation for posting tips, recipes, strategies, etc., consider the following:

There is a word game wherein you alter one letter to make a new word.

For example:
and so on.

The Gournet-O-Matic tm uses the same approach to making new dishes.

See you soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hello, people.

I will use The Gourmet-O-Matic tm Blog to post at least one gourmet tip, serving suggestion, strategy and/or recipe twice a month.

The posting will demonstrate The Gourmet-O-Matic tm approach and how the application of its principles results in new, gourmet dishes.

The first post will be on June 30, 2010.